(WIP) Welcome to the Butterfly Soup Archive! (WIP)

Ay, ay viewer, below are content warnings for Butterfly Soup 1+2, if any of these make you uncomfortable, reconsider playing the games.

Butterfly Soup
Brief written depictions of parental emotional and physical abuse (no visuals), ableist slurs (directed towards a main character), racism (directed towards main characters, verbal depictions), homophobia (verbal descriptions, not targeted towards specific characters, internalized), self-hating thoughts & suicidal ideation (briefly spoken about in a self-deprecating/joking manner), unsanitary references (mentions of pee, poo, vomit & period blood), general strong language.

Butterfly Soup 2
Almost everything above as well as anti-black racism (ignorant comments from a main character), islamophobia (a main character is told not to date muslims in a passing comment), talk of China/Taiwan relations, road rage, talk of strokes/heart attacks (in a joking manner), and brief mentions of sexual content (mentions of sexual acts in a general manner, characters mistaken for being in a sexual situation, clinical descriptions of sexual acts, two adult characters are implied to have had sex off-screen, nothing is shown.)

Sourced from both fan opinion and Brianna Lei's written content warnings which can be found here and here.